Miramelindo was built in Rio Verde by Manuel and Patricia Guevara, the previous owners of La Posada del Arte.
Clockwise from 6:30: Elena, Gloria, Veronica, Marshia, Faviola, Miramelinda owner Patricia Guevara, Margarita, Fanny, Rosana (arm out), Martha sitting
Lunch at Miramelinda
Thumbs up in the botanical garden at Pailon del Diablo.
La Posada Gallery: Posada Girls Gone Wild!
Staff outing to Miramelinda in Rio Verde

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La Posada del Arte, Calle Velasco Ibarra y Av. Montalvo                     
Baños,Tungurahua, Ecuador          
Telefax 593-3-2740 083 artehostal@yahoo.com