Total Distance: 45 km (30 mi)
10% ascent
Total time: 6 hours
Skill level: Intermediate
Highest elevation: 2950 (9,700 ft)
Lowest elevation: 1750m (5,740 ft)
Surface: 40% dirt/gravel (2-track)
50% stone 10% asphalt
This can be (1) an intense all-day ride or (2) a leisurely 2-day ride, spending the night at the historic Hacienda Manteles. It starts at "the antennas" (2600m), ascends to 2900m, then descends on stone road into the Patate River Valley. (There is, however, an interesting "over-the-mountain" shortcut for more advanced riders). Under option (2) we relax, have a few beers by the fire, and a fine meal at the Hacienda, and continue the next morning. Otherwise, we continue to the town of Patate, have lunch at Hacienda Viña del Rio just out of town, then take the lower river route back to Baños via Lligua and San Martin.
Click to download .kml file for this route.
The Elevation Profile